Nestled a short distance away from the bustling center of Kamakura, Sugimoto-dera stands as a beacon of history and tranquility. Its moss-covered steps, with the forefront cast in shadow exuding a deep green, contrasted by the sunlit upper sections, tell a tale of time, nature, and spirituality. The deep green of the moss in the shadows evokes a profound sense of the temple’s long history.
Photo Description – A Tapestry of Nature and History
The photograph captures the vivid contrast of Sugimoto-dera’s mossy steps. The deep green hues of the shadowed forefront, where one can feel the weight of history, juxtapose beautifully against the sunlit vibrant greens of the upper steps and the solemn white dedication flags. The sunlit thatched roof of the main hall adds a touch of warmth, creating a harmonious blend of nature and history.
Story Behind the Photo – Kamakura’s Dual Charm
Sugimoto-dera, often regarded as one of the oldest temples in Kamakura, exudes an aura of serenity and grandeur. Its moss-covered stone steps evoke a profound sense of history. While the bustling streets of Kamakura are filled with tourists and marine sports enthusiasts, places like Sugimoto-dera offer a contrasting, peaceful experience. This duality is one of the unique attractions of Kamakura, allowing not only visitors but also residents to enjoy both the vibrancy of a city and the tranquility of historic sites.
From an Amateur Photographer’s Perspective – Balancing Light and Shadow
The challenge lay in capturing the intense autumn sunlight that illuminated the temple’s main hall and the upper part of the steps, while also highlighting the deep green shades of the moss in the shadowed forefront, which resonates with the temple’s deep history. After several shots, one emerged that perfectly encapsulated the essence of Sugimoto-dera on that day.
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Equipment and EXIF Information
- Camera: NIKON Df
- Lens: NIKKOR-H C Auto 28mm F3.5
- Shutter Speed: 1/200 s
- Aperture: ƒ8.0
- ISO: ISO 400
- EV: 0 ev