In the serene precincts of Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, a delicate spectacle unfolds as the Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms bloom amidst fresh spring greenery. This portrait captures the sakura’s gentle radiance, a dance of light and life against the soft-focus backdrop of new leaves.
Photo Description – Luminescence Amidst Leaves
Nestled within the heart of the city, the Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms of Yasukuni Shrine are a beacon of spring’s arrival. In this photograph, the flowers radiate softly against a blurred tapestry of verdant foliage. Each petal, appearing as a hazy orb of light, floats dreamily in the frame, inviting contemplation of the blossom’s transient purity.
Story Behind the Photo – A Stroll Through Spring’s Embrace
Captured on an April morning, this image reflects a stroll through Yasukuni Shrine where the sakura stood in silent testimony to the new season. Without the azure sky as a canvas, the photographer focused on the contrast between the crisp blossoms and the surrounding greenery. The technique of widening the focal length and opening the aperture resulted in capturing the cherry blossoms as ethereal white spheres, shining amidst the embrace of spring’s new green.
From an Amateur Photographer’s Perspective – In Search of Softness
Seeking to highlight the sakura’s delicate beauty, the choice was made to approach the subject closely and utilize a shallow depth of field. This approach allowed the backdrop of new greenery to melt into a gentle haze, setting the stage for the blossoms to glow like diffused lanterns in the quiet morning light.
Equipment and EXIF Information
- Camera: FUJIFILM X-T4
- Lens: XF16-80mmF4 R OIS WR
- Shutter Speed: 1/750 s
- Aperture: ƒ8
- ISO: ISO 400