In the tranquil town of Ōzawa, Wajima, the bamboo barriers known as “Magaki” stand tall, preserving traditions and memories. Captured beneath the subtle blue of the evening, this photograph encapsulates the serene moments before sunset in a town where time seems to stand still.
Photo Description – The Bamboo Sentinels of Ōzawa
The heart of the image is dominated by the expansive Magaki, traditional bamboo fences stretching about 5 meters high. Crafted meticulously from split bamboo, these barriers serve not just as walls, but as protectors against the harsh seasonal winds from the Sea of Japan and the scorching summer sun.
Story Behind the Photo – A Timeless Evening in Ōzawa
Located a 30-minute drive along the coastline of the Noto Peninsula from the bustling center of Wajima, Ōzawa is often referred to as the “Village of Magaki”. It was in this very village that I found solace in an inn hidden behind the Magaki, indulging in the freshest seafood delights, with the sweet shrimp leaving a lasting impression. This shot, taken from the breakwater of the Ōzawa fishing port, with the Magaki in the center, resonated most with the emotions of that day. The thought of capturing a more atmospheric shot later in the evening crossed my mind, but the anticipation of a delightful dinner beckoned.
From an Amateur Photographer’s Perspective – Capturing Nostalgia
The essence of this photograph lies not just in its composition, but in the memories it evokes. The Fujifilm X100T, with its precise settings, allowed me to capture the scene just as I remembered it. The thought of a longer exposure shot during twilight lingered, but the allure of the evening’s feast was too tempting. Perhaps, the charm of this image is that it reminds me of the joys of that day.
Equipment and EXIF Information:
- Camera: FUJIFILM X100T
- Shutter Speed: 1/85 s
- Aperture: ƒ16
- ISO: ISO 800
- Exposure Value: 0 ev